The Latest in Driving News: Staying Safe on the Road

The landscape of our roads is changing faster than ever, with new challenges and trends emerging that all drivers need to be aware of. From the rise of electric vehicles to the increasing use of cannabis, staying informed is crucial. We’re here to guide you through these developments and help you navigate the road with confidence.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the latest driving news and share practical tips to ensure you’re always driving safely and responsibly.

E-Bikes & E-Scooters

Thanks to their convenience and eco-friendliness, e-bikes and e-scooters are popping up everywhere. But with their popularity comes a spike in accidents. In fact, one study found e-scooter injuries rose 45% from 2017 to 2022. Cities are still figuring out how to regulate these new forms of transport, and in the meantime, we’re all trying to navigate sharing the road with them.

If you’re a driver, it’s important to keep an eye out for these vehicles. Give them some space, and if you’re on an e-bike or e-scooter yourself, don’t forget to wear a helmet and follow the rules of the road.

Cannabis Use

37% of drivers in states where cannabis is legalized use it daily, making it a growing concern and a growing topic of conversation when it comes to road safety. However, unlike with alcohol, where we have clear guidelines and limits for driving, the regulations and enforcement around cannabis intoxication are a bit trickier. This is due to the varying ways cannabis affects individuals, making it difficult to establish a consistent standard for impairment.

Despite these complexities, driving under the influence of cannabis is still considered impaired driving, which is illegal nationwide. If you’ve been using the substance, never get behind the wheel. Plan ahead and find a safe way home, just like you would if you were drinking.

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a common sight on our roads, and for good reason. They’re a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. However, like any new technology, they come with their own set of challenges. Lately, there’s been increased attention on EVs’ safety concerns, particularly related to battery fires and vehicle weight.

While essential for their operation, the large batteries in EVs can be prone to fires that are difficult to extinguish and require different safety protocols than those for traditional gasoline-powered cars​. Additionally, the significant weight of EVs can lead to more severe outcomes in collisions​. This increased weight also puts additional strain on road infrastructure, which was not originally designed to accommodate such heavy vehicles​.

To stay safe in an electric vehicle, regularly maintain your car, stay updated on recalls, and drive cautiously, especially in high-traffic areas. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures related to battery issues, such as potential fires, to ensure you’re prepared for any incidents.

Road Rage

Let’s face it: we’ve all had moments of frustration behind the wheel. But with road rage incidents on the rise, keeping your cool while driving is more important than ever. Whether due to heavy traffic or just a bad day, losing your temper can lead to dangerous situations.

If you find yourself getting angry while driving, it’s essential to take a deep breath and try to stay calm. Remember, it’s better to be late than to get involved in an accident or altercation. If you encounter an aggressive driver, avoid engaging with them and, if necessary, report the incident to the authorities.

Stay Safe on the Road

Whether you’re sharing the road with e-scooters or managing the stress of heavy traffic, it’s crucial to prioritize your safety and the safety of those around you. By staying informed and practicing defensive driving techniques, you can navigate any situation with confidence.

If you’re ready to take your driving skills to the next level, consider enrolling in one of our driver’s education or defensive driving courses. We’re here to help you build the knowledge and skills necessary to stay safe on today’s ever-changing roads.