Should You Consider an Aggressive Driving Class?


In today’s fast-paced world, the roads are more congested than ever, and tempers can easily flare. This often leads to “aggressive driving,” a type of behavior that compromises the safety of everyone on the road.


But what exactly falls under the umbrella of aggressive driving? More importantly, how can you recognize these behaviors in your own driving and take steps to correct them? Here, we explore the role of aggressive driving courses and how they can mitigate these risky behaviors.  


First, What Is Aggressive Driving?


Aggressive driving refers to a spectrum of risky driving behaviors that can endanger others on the road. If you speed, tailgate, make erratic lane changes, ignore traffic signals, or engage in other forms of reckless behavior, you may be an aggressive driver.


Luckily, aggressive driving is not just a set of actions but a mindset that can be corrected through aggressive driving courses. These classes aim to make drivers aware of their actions and the potential consequences, encouraging a more responsible and considerate approach to driving. 


What Do You Learn in an Aggressive Driving Class?


Aggressive driving class covers various topics that address the root causes of aggressive behavior on the road and instill safer driving habits. Key components of the curriculum usually include:


Understanding aggressive driving: Recognizing what constitutes aggressive driving and the psychological factors that can lead to such behavior.

Consequences: Learning about the potential outcomes of aggressive driving, from accidents and injuries to legal penalties.

Stress management: Techniques to manage stress and anger, specifically while driving. 

Behavioral change: Strategies to modify driving behaviors, encouraging patience, courtesy, and respect for other road users.

Safe driving practices: Reinforcing the importance of defensive driving techniques as a countermeasure to aggressive driving. 


Is It Different Than Defensive Driving and Traffic Survival School?


While “aggressive driving class” often refers to specialized driver improvement courses, many driving schools include lessons on mitigating aggressive driving within their defensive driving and traffic survival courses. 


In addition to helping drivers dismiss traffic tickets, defensive driving courses are designed to equip drivers with the skills and knowledge to anticipate driver behavior and prevent accidents, which naturally includes dealing with aggressive driving. Whether you take the course online or in person, you’ll cover aggressive driving behaviors, techniques for maintaining control, and strategies for ensuring your safety and the safety of other road users. 


Traffic survival school, often required after a traffic violation, also educates drivers about the dangers of aggressive driving. Through a focus on traffic laws, road safety, and the consequences of traffic violations, these courses reinforce the importance of patience, courtesy, and respect on the road. They aim to correct aggressive driving behaviors by improving understanding of the law and fostering a safer driving environment for everyone. 


Can Aggressive Driving Classes Be Court-Ordered? 


Yes, in some cases, your local court can require you to complete a course. Mandating these classes is seen as a rehabilitative measure, intending to prevent future offenses by addressing the behavior directly linked to aggressive driving. The court’s goal is to not only penalize but also educate and reform drivers, reducing the likelihood of repeat offenses and enhancing road safety for everyone.


Are you ready to become a safer, more responsible driver? Our in-person and online courses offer valuable lessons on managing aggressive driving behaviors, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the roads safely and respectfully.