How to Choose an Approved Defensive Driving Course

Driving’s not just about skillfully maneuvering a vehicle; it’s also about anticipating potential hazards and responding appropriately. Enter defensive driving courses. Designed to equip drivers with proactive safety techniques, defensive driving courses empower individuals to drive with confidence and caution. The question is, how do you find a course that fits your needs?

What is Defensive Driving?

Defensive driving is a method of driving that utilizes safe, responsible, and proactive strategies. Going beyond the basics of obeying traffic laws and regulations, a defensive driving course teaches drivers about potential driving pitfalls, how to anticipate them, and how to make smart decisions to avoid them. This includes understanding how environmental factors, vehicle conditions, and human errors contribute to dangerous situations.

What About Traffic Survival School?

Though often confused, traffic survival and defensive driving school serve distinct roles in keeping our roads safe. Traffic survival school is a MVD-mandated, eight-hour class drivers must attend to avoid having their license suspended. Defensive driving school, on the other hand, is an optional course. Drivers may choose to enroll in a course to avoid paying a traffic ticket, keep points off their record, lower insurance premiums, or simply brush up on their defensive driving skills. 

How to Find Approved Defensive Driving Courses

Check with Local Authorities: Often, local Departments of Motor Vehicles or similar agencies will have a list of approved defensive driving courses and instructors. In Arizona, you can find a list of approved courses through the Arizona Supreme Court.

Reviews and Recommendations: Ask friends or family who have taken defensive driving courses for their recommendations. You can also look for reviews online to gauge the reputation of a course or instructor.

In-depth Curriculum: An effective course should cover a variety of topics including safe driving strategies, the effects of drugs and alcohol, diverse driving conditions, and how to handle emergencies.

Course Duration and Cost: Do you need to fit the course around your work or school schedule? How long is the course, and what will it cost? In Arizona, the course must total four hours to qualify for ticket dismissal. Luckily, schools like Stop and Go offer flexible scheduling so you can find the time slot that fits your schedule. 

Learning Style: It’s simple; you’ll learn best in an environment that fits your unique learning style. Online courses allow you to learn at your own pace, while in-person classes may be better suited to those who prefer an interactive setting.

Why Stop and Go Driving School?

Among the many driving schools out there, Stop and Go Driving School stands out with our unique blend of quality education and unparalleled commitment to student success.

Expert Instructors: We pride ourselves on our team of seasoned instructors who have all been approved by the Arizona Supreme Court. 

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our courses cover all facets of defensive driving and are regularly updated to stay relevant to today’s driving scenarios.

Flexibility: We offer various classroom courses and online sessions, catering to our students’ diverse needs and schedules.

Reputation: A course is only as good as its outcomes, and Stop and Go Driving School consistently produces competent, confident drivers.

Ready to master your ability to anticipate and avoid road hazards? Register today for a defensive driving course