Cars With Good Safety Features for 2023

As we cruise through 2023, the automotive industry has made significant strides in ensuring vehicles are safer than ever. While new, science-fiction-like innovations are always on the horizon, certain advanced driver assist systems have become so essential that they’re now commonplace in most cars. Here’s a look at the most popular safety features for this year.

Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB)

  • What it does: AEB detects an impending collision with a vehicle or pedestrian and automatically applies the brakes if the driver doesn’t act in time.
  • Safety Accomplishment: It significantly reduces the severity of front-end collisions or even prevents them altogether. In fact, one study found that AEB can reduce rear-end crashes by half.
  • Standard or Optional: An increasingly standard safety feature in most new vehicles.

Blind Spot Monitoring

  • What it does: Using sensors, this system identifies when there’s a vehicle in the car’s blind spot and alerts the driver, usually with a light on the side mirror or an audible alert.
  • Safety Accomplishment: It helps prevent side collisions, especially on highways, and is so effective that the IIHS also reported that it can reduce lane-change crashes by 14%.
  • Standard or Optional: Usually standard in mid to high-end trims and optional in base models.

Rear Cross-Traffic Alert

  • What it does: When reversing, this system warns the driver of approaching vehicles that might cross behind them.
  • Safety Accomplishment: It’s particularly useful in parking lots, reducing the risk of collisions while backing out of a spot. 
  • Standard or Optional: Mostly standard in modern vehicles.

Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Assist

  • What it does: The system warns the driver if the car starts to drift out of its lane and can even make minor steering adjustments to keep the car centered.
  • Safety Accomplishment: The IIHS found that lane departure technology can reduce single-vehicle, sideswipe, and head-on crashes by nearly 11%
  • Standard or Optional: Becoming standard in many vehicles.

Adaptive Cruise Control

  • What it does: Taking into account the speed set by the driver, this feature automatically adjusts the vehicle’s speed to maintain a safe following distance from the car ahead.
  • Safety Accomplishment: It can help reduce driver fatigue on long journeys and helps prevent rear-end collisions.
  • Standard or Optional: While it started as a luxury feature, it’s now optional or standard in many mid-range vehicles.

Pedestrian Detection and Braking

  • What it does: This system uses cameras and sensors to detect pedestrians in or approaching the vehicle’s path. If a collision is imminent and the driver doesn’t respond, the system can automatically apply the brakes.
  • Safety Accomplishment: In urban areas, where pedestrian collisions are more common, this feature has been associated with a 27% reduction in pedestrian-involved accidents.
  • Standard or Optional: Becoming standard in many urban-centric models and optional in others.

Driver Attention Monitoring

  • What it does: This system monitors the driver’s behavior, steering patterns, and other driving metrics to detect signs of drowsiness or distraction. If it senses the driver is not fully attentive, it will sound an alert or suggest taking a break.
  • Safety Accomplishment: Drowsy driving is responsible for roughly 20% of all crashes, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Systems like these aim to prevent such accidents.
  • Standard or Optional: Becoming standard in many mid to high-end models and optional in entry-level vehicles.

What’s New in 2023?

A few brand-new safety innovations are making their debut. One of the most anticipated is Augmented Reality (AR) Navigation. This system overlays navigation instructions onto the windshield, allowing drivers to see turn-by-turn directions in real time without looking away from the road. 

Another groundbreaking feature is Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Communication, which allows cars to communicate directly with smartphones, alerting pedestrians of an approaching vehicle, especially in blind spots or noisy environments. While still in its early stages, this innovation is one example of how vehicle manufacturers are extending their focus on safety beyond just the vehicle’s occupants. 

Safe driving involves more than the latest technology. At Stop and Go Driving School, we’re here to teach you the skills and knowledge you need to navigate every journey confidently and responsibly. Contact us today to learn more about our driver’s education and defensive driving programs.